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The Best Marketing Podcasts Out There Today

posted by Michael Epps Utley Michael Epps Utley
Top marketing podcasts you should be listening to now goepps blog

If you’re like most business owners, managers, and marketers, you’re probably too busy to read up on marketing all the time. Still, it’s critical to stay up to date so you don’t fall behind your competitors.

The good news: Listening to podcasts is an excellent way to keep abreast of the latest marketing trends, insights, and tips while doing other things like commuting, exercising, or working.

With countless marketing podcasts available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon, and other platforms, it can be overwhelming to keep track of all of them.

That’s why our team members came together to develop our list of top marketing podcasts. We guarantee you’ll come away with valuable insights from listening to one — or all — of them.

This Old Marketing

In this podcast produced by the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), content marketing experts Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose discuss the latest content marketing trends and offer practical advice on how businesses can use them to attract and retain customers.

Each episode of This Old Marketing includes content marketing news and information about what’s happening in the field.

Everyone Hates Marketers

Hosted by Louis Grenier, Everyone Hates Marketers is a straightforward and actionable podcast for people who dislike shady marketing tricks.

During each episode, Grenier interviews marketers and business leaders who are doing marketing the right way. The podcast focuses on helping listeners get more website visitors, leads, customers, and long-term profits by using good promotional strategies and tactics.

Past guests have included Seth Godin, Rand Fishkin, Noah Kagan, and Sujan Patel.

Perpetual Traffic

This weekly podcast focuses exclusively on paid traffic advertising strategies. Produced by DigitalMarketer and hosted by Ralph Burns and Molly Pittman, each episode includes complete information about cutting-edge strategies to generate leads and sales through paid traffic. The information shared through the podcast is understandable and actionable.

If you want to make social media advertising, display ads, and Google Ads perform better for your business, Perpetual Traffic could be the perfect podcast for you.

Marketing School

Neil Patel is a recognized marketing leader. In addition to co-founding Kissmetrics, CrazyEgg, and QuickSprout, he’s known for his informative blogging on Whether you’re a fan of his content or haven’t been exposed to it, you’ll find the Marketing School podcast engaging and valuable.

Neil Patel co-hosts most episodes with entrepreneur and marketing expert Eric Siu. They each contain about five minutes of actionable marketing advice delivered daily.

If you don’t have time to listen to long podcasts, subscribe to Marketing School.

Social Media Examiner (SME)

The SME podcast is a companion to a popular blog. The organization’s founder, Michael Stelzner, hosts it. If you want to optimize your social media efforts, this is one podcast you can’t miss.

SME delivers two weekly podcasts with actionable insights to keep you up-to-date with the ever-changing social media universe. Each episode lasts 45 minutes and features interviews with leading social media marketing professionals.

Whether you want in-depth expert advice or to keep up with social media news, Social Media Examiner could be your perfect podcast.

Marketing Over Coffee

EventHero’s Marketing Vice President, John J. Wall, and Podcamp’s co-founder, Christopher Penn, host this weekly podcast. They discuss traditional and emerging marketing tactics. They record the show in a coffee shop every week and release it on Thursday mornings.

Each episode is approximately 20 minutes long and packed with marketing tips and tricks delivered through a casual conversation.

The Narwhal Pod

The Narwhal Pod is a relatively new marketing podcast created by us at GoEpps, and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with the world.

The Narwhal Pod is a community of digital marketers sharing industry tips, trends, tools, and how it could all impact your business. We encourage listeners to comment and share their experiences and questions so we can all deepen our digital marketing acumen. In each episode, the podcast addresses marketing pain points and reveals the strategies working right now. Check it out today!

Are You Listening?

Life’s busy, but the best marketers and business owners make time to keep up with the latest marketing trends. Listening to relevant, top-tier podcasts like the ones listed above is a great way to stay sharp in an ever-changing industry — even when you’re short on time.

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