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Social Media Content

Many companies fall into the trap of treating social media as an optional channel for sharing occasional big news. We take a different approach – we help our clients create an editorial schedule that includes those big news items plus insights into your culture, testimonies from happy customers, occasional offers, and content that your audience will value.

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The final essential for Social is channel moderation. Active social channels attract interaction with customers. And nothing is worse than dead air with a brand.

Social moderation keeps that risk from occurring.

GoEpps offers social media services from planning and setup to comprehensive ongoing channel publishing and moderation.


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What Social Media Services Includes

  • Content strategy and planning to make your social channels valuable to your audience.
  • Hashtagging strategy and creation.
  • Content graphic design or image creative.
  • Handling of approvals and scheduling for publishing.
  • Channel moderation and rapid forwarding of incoming alerts to requests for customer service.
  • Analytics reporting and campaign optimization.

Getting Started

To get started, reach out to us to discuss your program and what you want to accomplish. We will provide you with budget options and a plan for going live with your campaign.


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