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Website Design & Development

GoEpps approaches website design and development as a means to an end: marketing. That means gaining exposure for your brand, driving traffic or leads, and ultimately growing the value of your presence online. Websites are the hub of your entire online strategy.

Goepps website design development

This year, to date, there have been more than 4,000 changes to the Google algorithm. A lot of them depend on page speed.

We build fast websites. Your new website will work well for both desktop and mobile device website users. It will include a complete content management system.

We make websites from simple lead generating sites to robust ecommerce platforms. We price out our websites to include hosting, backups, and maintenance, so you have a worry-free end result.


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What's Included?

Complete design and development of your new website.

  • Not template-based - a new and original design.
  • Access to your content management system to edit website content.
  • Training to use the content management system via online video conference call.
  • Includes an Apogee Metrics dashboard to pull all your analytics into one place.
  • Includes all hosting, maintenance, security, and ad hoc updates.

How We Do Website Projects

Connect with us to talk about your new website. We will take in some basic info from you, give you a recommended budget and project timeline, and get started.


We Are the Digital Marketing Pros

Work with a great team of passionate, experienced professionals.