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Master the Art of Email (Part Two): 10 Tips for Writing Body Copy

posted by Michael Epps Utley Michael Epps Utley
Master the Art of Email Part Two 10 Tips for Writing Body Copy

Our last blog post explained how to write subject lines that will get people to open your marketing emails.

Now, in this second part of our email mastery series, we’ll explain how to craft email body copy that gets readers to take action.

1. Be Relevant

Similar to how an email subject line should be personalized to establish relevancy, the messaging of the email must be relevant, tool. Use the beginning section to explain why the content matters to readers. Then, tailor the rest of your message so it resonates with your audience's needs and interests. Don’t simply tell them about a product, service, or idea they could be interested in. Explain why it’s uniquely suitable for them and how it could make their personal situation better.

Relevancy and personalization are critical during these times of information overload.

2. Write in the Second Person

Writing in the second person point-of-view (POV) is centered on using all the variations of the pronoun “you.” It makes your copy seem more like a conversation between you and your reader rather than a monologue. It helps your messaging feel personal, encouraging greater engagement. For instance, instead of writing, "People love this product," say instead, "You will love this product!"

The second-person POV shifts the focus from the brand to the reader. It’s a subtle way to build a stronger connection and get people to take action.

3. Prioritize Benefits Over Features

You understand the value of your products and services. However, the email recipient doesn’t (not yet, anyway). It’s up to you to explain.

The issue is that many emails only explain the features of offerings, not their benefits. Benefit-focused copy explains to readers what they will gain from using your products or services. A list of features simply describes what your offerings do. Benefits go beyond by helping readers understand how they can improve their lives.

4. Stay Brief

One common mistake email copywriters make is trying to tell a complete story in a single email.

Most people, especially those on smartphones, only skim emails. Any copy that seems too dense or long will be abandoned. Your goal should be to create compelling copy in digestible bits that will compel readers to move on to a website landing page where they can learn more and take action. When you start crafting copy with the call-to-action in mind, you’ll be more likely to come up with a concise story that will drive it.

5. Make Readers Love You

Email copy must inform. However, the best, most compelling messaging also delights readers. Delivering delightful experiences is a great way to let your brand's personality shine, building a meaningful relationship with readers. Coming across as lovable builds a connection that goes beyond the sale, transforming buyers into brand advocates.

6. Make Calls-To-Action Clear and Compelling

It’s a rare email that does not include a call to action. You usually want readers to move on to a blog, landing page, or e-commerce site. The issue is that calls to action are often buried in email content. People tend to scan emails, especially on smartphones, and it’s easy for calls to action to get lost. That’s why it’s critical to make them bold, clear, and easy to act on. Make sure you tell the reader precisely and boldly what you want them to do, such as “Shop Now” or “Reserve Your Spot.”

7. Write in a Conversational Tone

Don’t talk at readers in a formal way when you create email content. Instead, have a friendly, informal conversation with them; Talk to them.

Avoid something formal-sounding like: “Our business is pleased to announce an extraordinary sale.” Instead, go with something like: “Guess what? Our shop is having a huge sale, and you won’t want to miss out.” It’s more like having a friendly chat with the reader.

Conversational messaging makes your emails feel more personal and less like bland marketing copy. Readers respond to words that feel human and relatable.

8. Leverage AI Tools to Generate Content Ideas

If readers aren’t responding to the ideas you come up, turn to AI-powered tools like ChatGPT and Jasper. Input some background and context, and they'll come up with a range of creative content ideas. For example, you could ask ChatGPT to help you develop novel ways to announce a new service. It could come up with something fresh that you may never think of.

Of course, artificial intelligence-powered tools aren’t perfect, and you will need to sort through many ideas to find the best ones that align with your brand. The key to great outputs is thorough inputs, so make sure your prompts are detailed and aligned with your goals.

9. Include Social Proof

People are more likely to respond to messages and information from people like them rather than what a company says about itself. That’s why it’s critical to add customer testimonials, ratings, reviews, or case studies to your email content.

Social proof is compelling because it demonstrates to your readers that others have found success with your offerings. It builds trust, making it more likely people will take action.

10. Use Bullet Points and Numbered Lists

Leverage bullet points or numbered lists to make complex information easy to scan and digest. Nothing is a bigger turnoff to readers than a big copy block on a small cellphone screen.

The format works because it's user-friendly. Readers can quickly and efficiently take in key points and understand the message without reading long, dense paragraphs.

Now that you know how to craft amazing email subject lines and body copy, it’s time to start writing and sending emails that will engage recipients and get them to take action.

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