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Social Media

Tips for Making It Through Today’s Social Media Minefield

posted by Michael Epps Utley Michael Epps Utley
Tips for Making It Through Todays Social Media Minefield

Social media has changed rapidly over the last year.

In addition to these newsworthy changes, every platform constantly updates its algorithm under the radar.

How can business owners and social media managers keep up with it all? Our experts created this two-part list with tips about navigating today’s ever-changing social media minefield.

Social Media Tips

Follow Your Followers

Start by following what your followers and the people you’re targeting are doing. Different people will respond to the changes in social media in their own ways. Talk to current customers about how they respond to today’s dynamic environment. Move your activities to the platforms they find attractive. Remember when people said no one would do business on Instagram? It’s a lesson to be bold enough to shift to other platforms — even unexpected ones — if the people you’re targeting engage with them.

Revisit Your Personas

Review your buyer personas. Have the social media habits of the people they represent changed? Update your personas to ensure your future social media marketing meets their expectations.

Get Off Traditional Social Media

When it comes to limiting volatility in your social media efforts, it could make sense to drop less traditional channels like Facebook and Instagram and explore private social media communities like Discord.

Discord is centered on community building. It’s unique because it’s not mediated by AI, allowing it to offer a more authentic and organic experience. Plus, you may be able to attract many users already in its ecosystem. Before you abandon the traditional social media ship, however, make sure you have good reasons for doing so. Making a rash decision can backfire in a big way.

Focus Less on Social Media

According to research from Marketing Insider Group, social media only generates two percent of traffic and leads for many companies. Most traffic (three out of five visitors) comes through organic search. While it’s important to stay front and center in social media to maintain brand awareness, it might make sense to focus more on search engine optimization (SEO). While search engine algorithms can be volatile, they tend to be more consistent than social media platforms. Investing in SEO could pay off in a more consistent stream of website visitors, leads, and customers.

Monitor Your Social Media Content Performance

Make it a point to review what’s working on your social media platforms regularly. Do more of what’s proving effective and cut back on what’s not to optimize your campaigns. It can help mitigate the risk of social media volatility on your efforts.

Stay Aware

Stay up-to-date on the latest social media news so you’re not surprised by platform changes. (The writing was on the wall for X long before the platform became completely unstable.) It can help you find better alternatives — and move your followers to them — before a channel hits bottom. It can also help you identify emerging social trends that you can jump on early and ride to success.

Want more tips to make it through today’s changing social media universe? Our experts had so many ideas we created a second article. Click here to read on.

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